ATE Academy for Technology and Development UG "Drone Safety"

Represented by:
Sören Koshyk and Thorsten Eichert

The strategy of Drone Safety is based on the special feature of the service offering. In addition to the trainings, Drone Safety gained in theory and practice as the first school in Germany (within a "flight corridor" in Bothkamp) the permit to train flying out of sight and additionally acts as a testing authority for the "drone driving license" acc. § 21d LuftVO. 

In line with its core goal of implementing drone-based applications in business processes, Drone Safety has built up a network of cooperation partners to meet individual customer needs.
This network is made up of cooperation partners whose support and expertise enable us to develop innovative drone systems / platforms for the different industries, tailored to the needs of our customers.
For this purpose we held amongst others “info workshops”, which are already personally supported by cooperation partners in the past and will also be carried out together in the future, as a communication platform.
Drone Safety acts primarily as a link between manufacturer and customer for medium-sized companies in Northern Germany.
This allows us to identify the optimal use of the drone with the ideal flight system solution and to integrate this into the workflow of each customer.
For this purpose, various technologies (camera technology, sensor technology, video transmission, software analysis tools) are combined with Unmanned Aircraft System solutions.

Drone Safety is a product of the ATE Academy for Technology and Development UG, headquartered in 24250 Bothkamp, Hof Siek 7, Schleswig-Holstein. Founder and managing partners: Sören Koshyk and Thorsten Eichert

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